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Network Security
in Advanced

Belajar cybersecurity dari dasar hingga mahir! Mau mendalami karir di cybersecurity tapi bingung mau mulai dari mana? Infinite Learning siap membantu!


Bundling Package

📆 : Setiap Jumat

Desc : Paket bundling ini mencakup kedua sesi workshop (+ additional free workshop persiapan karir / soft-skills).

Rp 360.000

Rp 80.000

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Network Security Landscape

📆 : Senin, 29 Juli 2024

Desc : The network security landscape is dynamic, constantly evolving as new technologies emerge and threats become more sophisticated. Understanding this landscape helps organizations and individuals stay informed about potential risks and the measures they can take to protect themselves.

Rp 120.000

Rp 50.000

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Enterprise Network Security

📆 : Senin, 29 Juli 2024

Desc : Strategies, technologies, processes, and practices designed to protect an organization's network infrastructure and data from cyber threats, unauthorized access, and disruptions. In the context of an enterprise, which typically refers to a large organization, network security is a critical component of overall information security.

Rp 120.000

Rp 50.000

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Regular workshop Infinite Learning tersedia dalam 2 kategori: regular program dan bundling package. Kamu juga dapat secara bebas memilih sesi sesuai kesibukan kamu:

  • Sesi 1 : 09.00 - 12.00 WIB (Onsite @ Nongsa Digital Park)

  • Sesi 2 : 14.00 - 17.00 WIB (Online)

  • Sesi 3 : 19.00 - 22.00 WIB (Online)

Learning Overview

1 pertemuan (2-3 jam per pertemuan)

Regular Program

✅ Bisa memilih kelas sesuai dengan minat

✅ Live class oleh mentor berpengalaman

✅ Hands-on experience di kelas

📌 Cocok untuk kamu yang sudah tau skill yang mau dikembangkan.

4-5 pertemuan (2-3 jam per pertemuan)

Bundling Package

✅ All class included

✅ Free workshop persiapan karir / soft-skill

✅ Live class oleh mentor berpengalaman

✅ Membangun portfolio melalui serangkaian project

📌 Cocok untuk kamu yang ingin belajar dari nol dan belum mengetahui ranah yang ingin dituju.

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